Friday, February 26, 2010

Zooming into a meeting time

Thanks for your replies, to the group and to me.

It appears that not many from our Committee will be at DC.  So, first a request to those who are not planning to attend the meetings: Will you please email me or the group any specific items you have in mind that you would want this Committee to follow-up on? 
Note that the items are not only for the rest of this year, but to also set the agenda for the next year or two.  Which means, even if your suggestions imply a longer time-horizon for discussions, well, all the better :)

Now, regarding the meeting time:
From Thursday morning until Saturday afternoon, there is only a very, very, narrow window of opportunity to get everybody together at the same time.  I haven't heard from our ex-officio member, Michael.  It will be neat if he can be present as well.

So, considering all the constraints, here are two options, both for Saturday, and we are looking at about 60 to 90 minutes of conversations:
  • Option 1:
    We meet on Saturday morning, preferably a eat-and-talk meeting.  Will a 8:00 time be ok?  Let me know if 8:00 is ok, or if you prefer even earlier at 7:30.
  • Option 2:
    We meet at lunch time on Saturday, about 12:00 or 12:30.

Once I hear from you, we will figure out the rest of the logistics.

Have a fantastic weekend


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